How to fulfill your duty as a human being in the Covid-19 or Corona crisis?

How to fulfill your duty as a human being in the Covid-19 or Corona crisis?

A patient looks towards the global economy in the Covid-19 period, and you will realize that all humanity must go through a total overhaul. But yes, there are two choices – you can deal with confidence or fear. After a few weeks, you will have no choice but to make a choice. In this article, you get information about how to fulfill your duties as a human being in Corona Crisis.

The Coronavirus has shown humanity that it does not care for any caste, creed, or religion. To stay alive, you must follow a set of rules put forth by the Government and medical institutions.

About Covid-19

Many scientists worry that the Third World War will wipe out all humanity from Mother Earth. The Covid-19 situation shows that viruses can bring more destruction to all parts of the world than nuclear war or bombs. The entire scientific community is struggling to save the environment in any way, and what do they get? A virus, which shakes up all humanity and makes it look right, a similar attack might also occur in the future. And at this point, only science and medicine are advancing to rescue and not old foolish beliefs and practices.


Crisis Due to Corona Virus

First, HONEST views on the Corona crisis that can transcend your dreams.

In many parts of the world, many families lose their loved ones.

  • Friends have lost their friends.
  • The office loses its best workers.
  • Some people are sick and on their way to the morgue.
  • People, who must help in these times, have responded to the call, at the expense of their own lives such as medical professionals including nurses, doctors, and other staff.
  • Unemployment has peaked in several countries.
  • Many professionals lose their jobs and some employers close their businesses.

In short, the Corona Outbreak has become a global tragedy that is difficult to express.

True, as part of the human community, the Covid-19 virus has taken your guard down, but it also gives us a decent opportunity to unite the entire country. You, as a human being, have been given a rare opportunity to build a new society that can be prepared for future epidemics.

What Have We Learned From This Pandemic?

The entire human global community has been forced to participate in a test paper they never even thought in their wildest dreams. They have never studied the subject content – Corona Virus, preventing its outbreak, treatment of the sick, social distancing, and economic lockdown. The rules differ for every country as the circumstances are so confusing.

There are many persons and communities around the world who are in lockdown phase or safe homes. Yes, it is boring not to move out of homes, and in this situation, it is wise to practice restraint.

When the World Trade Center got destroyed, every country wanted to suppress terrorism. Now, every country wants to eliminate Covid-19 from all parts of the world.

Some countries are in a complete shut-down phase. Also, countries and Governments which have a strong local presence in the form of community centers have easily come out of the Corona crisis. It is only where the local population does not cater to community circles and have to depend on outside vendors for their food have been hit the worst.

How Has Medical Science Helped In This Situation?

You should not forget the fact that more than 50 doctors in Italy have succumbed due to COVID- 19. A medical professional is doing his/her job by treating Covid-19 patients, but constant exposure may lead them to get infected. The Governments of respective affected countries should take every step in the book to ensure the medical professionals are given the best supplies and suitable resources to take care of themselves.

The entire medical fraternity is facing a shortage of medical equipment – right from medical masks to hospital beds. Very soon, a shortage of skilled medical professionals may arise if the same situation continues. It is up to you, the general public to stop the outspread of this virus. You need to follow the instructions as specified by your Government.

How Can You Help In This Situation?

Just pray to the SUPREME POWER, that the countries affected do not suffer from any other natural calamity – such as floods, famine, or cyclones. At the same time, let us sincerely hope that the number of fatalities due to the virus should not experience a steep climb.

Why Should You Read This Article?

There may be many among you, who will feel a little awkward about reading this article in this dire situation when some countries are facing severe problems. Some may, even consider, this article has been published at this uncertain, unusual time as it talks about being positive at all times. But, please note, as mentioned in the very first paragraph of this article, staying positive is the best way to become successful in this time of crisis brought about by the Corona Virus.


How to Fulfill Your Duty as a Man in Corona Crisis

1. Enjoy the Little Moments

Are you a nuclear family? There are days you work for your family against all odds. Your wife stays at home and cooks the best recipes. Your children understand the pain experienced by their parents and get good grades in college & school.

Weekends are only a source to get your body tired and mind rested for the next workday. In this locking, you can spend enough time with your family’s elders, spouse, and children. Take the time to watch the sunrise from your balcony, enjoy morning coffee, give your brain cells the rest they need for years. Now, after the crisis, you can achieve more because your mind, brain, and entire body have enjoyed the calm that is needed so far.

2. Call Your Friends / Relatives

True, the Government may have imposed a curfew and kept a social distance, but has not told you to stay and be isolated from friends and relatives. Make your voice heard.

It’s time to hang out with your friends and relatives. Take your cellphone, call them and catch the events that have happened in their lives. Talking with blood relatives can provide confidence that can ward off millions of stress hormones.

3. Identify the Root Cause of Your Anxiety

There are two ways to fight an unfavorable situation. Either fight or surrender. But running away from problems can create undue stress on your brain.

Fear is human, but not active because this negative expression is dangerous. Please do not convey your fear or anxiety to others by expressing anger or alienation.

Instead, identify the root cause of your problem and talk with family members. Has your Government installed Community Advisors? Then, seek their help.

The general public (you) must also take a firm stand in not pitting the Government against businesses, religious minorities, and communities in all parts of the world. Together, you must develop alliances as human beings to overcome crises and build a better future.

You don’t need to hesitate to ask for help. Talk to your aunt about tips for hoarding food and preservation items. Not required to follow the advice, but need to know about alternative methods.

4. Game Blame / Blame

Look at the pages of history, and you will know when food grains become scarce, emotions heat up in the community. The blame game then begins and even humiliates minority community members. You need to maintain your human skills to escape this unwanted act.

5. Following Government Instruction

Many people enjoy being rebels and not following the Government’s instructions even at this stage of the epidemic. For example, if the Government says, “Wear a mask and keep a social distance.” They won’t do it “- not for illiteracy. It’s impossible to judge these people if they act on impulse or out of mistrust. The government has imposed a curfew for people not to roam the streets. These people will be roaming on the streets by bicycle. If you are one of the mentioned, now is the time to seek help or you can become a victim of a disease.

6. See Always Kindness to Others

This is the most important and difficult factor in these difficult times. It’s easy to let your confidence guard, hope in this situation and see negative nuances in others. But please note, there are enough opportunities for hope and awakening.

Rumors fly to the left, right, to the sky and down, and everywhere. Social media has made it easy for troublemakers to spread videos that target certain communities about spreading viruses and engage in acts of terrorism. True, there are some unwanted incidents, but circulating hate videos will instill more negative things in the community. As a result, anger, resentment, loss of trust even in family members you love – all this can make your life miserable when you stay home.

Please do not rely on non-authentic online sources and right-wing parties. This is a time when the human mind is filled with negative emotions, and you will not be able to see REALITY. It is your full responsibility to respect only reliable sources of information to stop the negative spread quickly.

For a moment, please think positive. Has a doctor, nurse, or medical staff evaded their duties and stayed at home, expressing fear of the virus? Even in third countries like India, they go to hospitals to ask for help. Even law enforcement agencies work day and night to regulate the situation and ensure that diseases do not spread in more regions and countries.

Businessmen, Millionaires, actors, and actresses have contributed millions in their respective state grants. You may not have a million or contribute to any funds, but the least you can do is make your family members happy and keep them positive to deal with every challenge in the future.

7. Stay Healthy

How long do you not exercise and make your body sweat? This is the time to enjoy yoga, running on the factory footprint, and more.

Why Do You Stay Positive?

Seeing and speaking only videos and positive words can rekindle hope in unfavorable situations. Medical science has proven that people with positive thoughts can quickly get back up after unfavorable events. Your blood pressure and heart rate are working normally and you can deal with any situation.

People with positive thoughts and confidence are found to contain more immune chemicals in their bodies. They can fight any disease easily. People, always at the point of contention and spreading negative can attract negative pathogens in a short time.

Positive emotions affect your assessment capacity, creativity to be successful in any situation.


You must not forget the fact, the worst struggle in this situation occurs not in the body, but the human mind. Middle-aged men and women, professional workers, school children, and students may have adapted to certain lifestyles during weekdays and weekends. Now, living together can increase emotions and make the situation in some houses worse. It is up to the family parents and you to make the home environment more comfortable. If this happens in every home, it will only take time, before all humanity can fight not only the Covid-19 virus but also other pathogens in the future.